Faszien Convention Hamburg 8.+9. Juni 2019, mit u.a. Dr. Robert Schleip, FASZIO®, Somatic Academy, Miriam Wessels, Heike Oellerich, Karin Gurtner, Gaby Fastner, Gunda Slomka, Daniela Meinl und viele mehr
Faszien Convention Hamburg 8.+9. Juni 2019, mit u.a. Stephanie Ludwig, Daniela Meinl, Maik Müller, Cupping, Flossig, Bewegung
Faszien Convention Hamburg 8.+9. Juni 2019, mit u.a. Stephanie Ludwig, Daniela Meinl, Maik Müller, Cupping, Flossig, Bewegung
Faszien Convention 8.+9.6.2019 in Hamburg, mit u.a.. Franziska Wulff, Divo Müll34, Carsten Peckmann, Jan Winter, Miriam Wessels


June 8+9, 2019, the 1st Fascia Convention worldwide will take place in Hamburg with more than 40 workshops, telelectures and innovative product ideas concerning „Fascia in Motion". Famous, creative pioneers in sports and science offer their support to pep up the latest trends in fascia training.

Dr. Robert Schleip, Divo Müller, Miriam Wessels, Heike Oellerich, Gunda Slomka, Gabi Fastner, Karin Gurtner und Daniela Meinl – all are successful authors of books about sports and fascia – inspired with expertise and passion. Sixteen innovative movers fascinate with explorational fascia training from the fields of fitness, athletics, yoga, pilates and dance.
The organizers of this convention FASZIO® and Somatics Academy, in cooperation with the VTF, invite you to enjoy the Whitsun weekend in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel. Trainer, Yoga teacher, therapists, and movement enthusiasts start their exciting trip into the fascia network.

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